Writing, Among Other Things

Change – The Only Constant!

He who rejects change is the architect of decay.  The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.  ~Harold Wilson

Change is an integral part of survival. When a person, or even an organization, refuses to change,  doom is inevitable.

For a long time now, I had been trying to avoid making some changes that were necessary for this blog to continue. But, today, I finally decided to make the changes happen, and I am glad I did. I realised that I had let the blog become very unorganized and cluttered. At a time when blogrush has ceased to exist even in our memories, I found that the code for the blogrush widget existed in my side bar. I have removed that code now.

Some other changes I made are:

  1. Upgraded WordPress to the latest version i.e. 2.8.3
  2. Changed the Theme to something that I hope is more contemporary
  3. Tried to make the site user friendly and social network friendly
  4. Reduced the clutter in the sidebars

These changes, however, are not yet complete and I think I will continue to tweak the site over the next couple of days. I would request you to bear with me while I make these changes. If you have any suggestions for me, please feel free to tell me about them.

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1 Comment

  1. Rohit Sharma

    Awesome change…. Cool Look 🙂

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