The post that follows was written by me a few months back. While I sat down to write a new post today, I relaised that I had already written something like that a few months back. So, instead of writing the same thing, albeit in different words, I decided to simply repost the old post. I hope you like it.

Often, we, bloggers, and writers, complain about writer’s block. I don’t know about others but I have often complained about it in the past, and even written posts about it. That was until I realized that there was no point complaining about it. One either has to overcome it or, allow oneself to be beaten by it.

While I was thinking about it, I thought of another thing. The whole process of writing can be be seen as a system.

Writing as a system

Taking this approach, it is easy to see that whatever we write is basically based on three inputs. The first is our LIFE. Over a period of time we go through many experiences and these not only affect the way we think, but also, the way we write and the things we write about. Therefore, living a full life and going through many experiences in life can enhance one’s writing as one will have a first-hand knowledge of the things he or she is writing about.

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