Having a credit card is an absolute must in today’s world. With the Internet getting bigger and bigger every day, buying and selling things, and services, online has become more of a necessity than a facility. And if you are going to do that, you will end up needing a credit card.
So, If you are going to get a credit card, and you happen to be a citizen of the United Kingdom, and are above 18 years of age, you might as well get a MINT credit card. MINT credit card offers several features that can appeal to people with different needs. Some of these features are 0% on balance transfers until 1 January 2009 (2.5% balance transfer fee), 0% on purchases until 1 June 2008, 0% bonus offer until 1 September 2009 on balances transferred during March 2009 (2.5% fee), up to £7,500 credit limit, no annual fee, free additional card for a friend or partner, worldwide acceptance at over 24 million locations wherever you see the MasterCard sign.
Even if you already have a credit card, or have more than one, the MINT card sounds like a good option for credit card consolidation .
In addition to the above features, there is a feature that , as per the MINT website, is a real “first”. This feature is about personalising your credit card. Once you have got your credit card, you can submit your favourite image to MINT, and they will use that to create a personalised credit card for you. Doesn’t sound bad at all.
This is a sponsored post.

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