Writing, Among Other Things

Do you call yourself a Writer?

I have always wanted to beย  Writer. Ok! maybe not always. There was a time – long gone by – when I wanted to be a private detective; reading all those Hardy Boys books was bound to have some effect on a young and impressionable mind.

But, off late, the desire to be a writer has burnt strong in my heart. So, I was wondering, what the definition of aย  writer is. Here is what the Free dictionary has to say :

“One who writes, especially as an occupation.”

That is a very basic definition, but even in this very basic definition, we have a contradiction.

I blog, therefore, I do write albeit every now and then. But, it is not my occupation, nor is my writing a source of my bread and butter. So am I a writer?

I don’t know.

Does blogging give a person the right to call himself a writer. Or, is there some other condition that a person must fulfill before he earns the tag of a writer. Maybe, having a published work is that condition. But with online publishing becoming so easy (a blog could be called an online publication), we enter into another grey zone.

So, let me ask you : What is your definition of a writer?

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  1. I Review You

    The voting for the I Review You contest is open! Good luck!


  2. Rebecca Laffar-Smith

    I believe a writer is one who writes CREATIVELY.

    An AUTHOR is a writer who has been published but anyone who puts pen to paper to create (vs. taking notations or scrawling itineraries) is a writer. Writers can be hobby writers, freelance writers, corporate writers, copy writers, novel writers, etc. So long as they write (and continue to write) they are writers regardless of the final outcome of those works.

    Many writers labour years over novels that never go to print. They are no less writers for their toils. The difference is between ‘professional’ writer and ‘hobby’ writer. We would expect a professional writer to be making money from their written work.

  3. wendy

    personally, I love to write and of course blog. But I don’t consider myself a writer. I will only call myself one if I have published a book that people actually buy in the bookstores.

    Good point though, Rebecca!

  4. Adam Kamerer

    I think you’re a writer if you call yourself a writer. Doesn’t make you a good writer: your readers will decide if you’re a good writer or not, but you’re still a writer, even if you’re a crappy one.

  5. Chelle

    To me a writer is anyone who has the desire or need to write. I’ve been writing since I was 12. I can’t NOT write. Sure, I don’t have a novel published and most people have no idea who I am – but I’m still a writer ๐Ÿ™‚ Writing is one of those little ways we can make a difference in the world, so no one should ever be discouraged from doing it!

  6. Jena Isle

    I would say, one can be called a writer when she gets her work published. In the case of getting published via the internet, the basis would be the readership. If several people respond to your written article, then you are a writer…so congratulations, you are now a writer.

  7. BunGirl

    IMHO, it’s less to do with whether it’s your primary occupation, and more to do with whether you actually DO it. If you write on any kind of regular basis, you are a writer. If you only write once in a blue moon, you would be foolish to call yourself a writer. It has more to do with the actual practice of the craft than it has to do with any money being earned from it.

    As Rebecca pointed out before, an Author is a writer who has been published. But before they got that book deal, they were still writers.

  8. rainer


    a writer is a person who has a story to tell. So when you say you have this burning desire in you, then let it burn you. When time will come, you will have the freedom to write as much as you want to.

  9. NathanKP

    I believe that writing is more than an occupation. its not just a job, its a creative art.

    A writer is an artist who can create an entire world from mere squiggles of black and white.

  10. Bryce Beattie

    My definition: “One who likes to write or who does it anyway.”

    So, yeah, I call myself a writer. Someday I hope to be able to call myself a “good writer”, or I’d settle for a “wildly successful writer.”

  11. betchay

    no. i have so much respect for writers and i know that my “works” are not good enough for me to earn that title… i’m a blogger ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. NS Jones

    I think you can be a “good writer” without getting paid.

    In my definition, you are a “writer” if you get paid or published.

    You are a blogger if you blog with or without pay.

    You can be a bad writer and get paid, but you aren’t much of a writer if you are a bad writer who does not get paid.

    You are a good writer. That is why I keep coming back to your blog.

  13. Bob Younce at the Writing Journey

    I’m late to this dance, but I’ll chime in anyways…

    You’re a writer if you say you’re a writer. You might be a hobbyist writer or you might be J. K. Rowling, but you’re still a writer. No one can take that label from you.

    Now, are you a professional writer? Only if you make a living doing it.

  14. Gil Malonzo

    My penmanship is so bad that I often use the word “type” instead of “write” in my typing. My poor use of basic English grammar is also a point of contention. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Great post that is worthy of a Stumble Upon thumbs up.

  15. Jasko

    What makes one a writer is a true determination. And consistency to do what your instinct is telling you. Well, I can say that I have failed in all these mentioned previously.
    But I have a friend who has written an astonishing novel. He gave up his academic career and many other things in order to really be the writer. The stake was high, but he won.

  16. Anubhav

    anybody who can express well in writing. he/she may not be doing it professionally always

  17. Manolito Sulit

    In the Philippines, it is only the writer who writes, so we have no problem spotting one.

    Get to know of Filipino authors other than me at Write Network. Visit the bookshop, too!

  18. Toon India

    I believe those definitions have become antiquated in the current context..now it’s just those who can express..and express well

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