Writing, Among Other Things

Are You Losing Blogging Steam?

It has been more than a month since I have updated this blog. This is not good as this was definitely not what I had wanted for this blog. Of course, I always knew that I would never be like many other bloggers, who make it a point to blog atleast once every day. Yet, I had also not thought that things would come to such a pass that I would not have a posted in over a month.

Something tells me that I am not the only one who is in a position like this. I see many blogs on the Internet that start off very well, but begin to lose steam in a while, and are eventually given up. Why is it that many bloggers find it easy to keep blogging over a period of time, while others find it very difficult to continue beyond the first few months?

I am sure there are many answers to the question, and I would love to hear what you have to say on the subject.

But, based on my own experineces, I feel that one of the answers to the question is : Organization!

Being a good blogger, like many other things, is about being organized.  One has to organize both tangible things ( blogging space, table , PC or Notebook etc.) as well as non tangible things (thoughts, ideas, emotions etc.).

Many pro-bloggers have this habit of putting up pictures of their blogging space. One can’t help but be impressed by the neat and clutter-free environment they are operating from. When I compare this with my own working space, I find that my table is so full of papers, and books and stuff that I find it quite difficult to find a place to set my Notebook on.

On a similar note, I think a good blogger is one whose thoughts and ideas are very well organized in the head, as this organization usually gets reflected in the blog too. Contrast it with someone who has many great ideas, but they are so random and unorganized  that when he tries to pen them down, he can’t get hold of even a single idea.

So, my advice to someone who is in the middle of a blogging slump would be to clear the clutter and become organized…right away!

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  1. Anthony James Barnett - author

    I think that what it is, some of us are just gobs-on-sticks.

    Being fair, I’m an author, so writing is what I do. Blogs are just another outlet for my words. If people like them fine, if not tough shit!

  2. Brett N

    I dunno… seems to me that if the problem is “not enough writing on the blog,” then the solution is not “spend more time on distracting non-writing projects.”

    Some people work best in clean well-ordered operating theaters devoid of any distraction or clutter. Then there’s folks like me that need a room to looks like a mid-air collision over a sporting goods store before they can really relax and start banging keys for useful effect.

    My advice to someone in a writing slump is to start writing. No matter what.


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