Writing, Among Other Things

Five Essentials of a Great Blog Post!

Have you ever come across a blog post and liked it?  Have you then wished that you could write a post like that? If your answer to these questions is yes, then you must have also wondered what it is that makes a great blog post.

Here, I have listed five things that a post must have to make it a great blog post.

1. Well Written – This one is a no-brainer. If you want people to enjoy your blog post and recommend it to others, your blog post should be well written. Your blog post should be without any grammatical or spelling mistakes, and its style and tone should be such that the reader stays interested till the very end.

2. Well Presented – The taste of food becomes even better if it is presented well, does it not? Similarly, a well written blog post will impress the reader more if it is well presented. A well presented blog post is one which is accompanied by an attractive and relevant image. You should use lists,  boldface, italics, etc.  to emphasise the message you want to put across in your post.

3. Great Content – Even if you have a well written, well presented, post, you do not necessarily have a great post on your hands. A great post  is one that has great content, and great content is that which provides value to the reader. A reader is spending valuable time reading your blog post, and your post should provide him with his time’s worth.

4. Extra links –  Another feature of a great blog post is that it contains links to older posts on your blog or other websites that a visitor can visit if he wishes to know more about the subject you are dealing with in your post. It is not possible to write everything about a topic in a single blog post, so if you there are other articles on the subject that you know of, you should point your reader in that direction.

5. Makes the reader think and comment – Lastly, your blog post should make your reader think, which in turn may make him comment on your post. Isn’t that what you want?

What do YOU think are the characteristics of a great blog post?

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  1. Lainy

    If only we bloggers could take time out to review our posts and make sure that all 5 salient points you’ve mentioned are embodied in the article before hitting the publish button, I believe blogging won’t be in a state of decadence now as per my personal observation.

    Blogging is a lot different now as compared to what it was three years ago. Though blogging offers various perks i.e monetary revenues, the essence of blogging per se couldn’t have been drowned in the river of commercialization if we keep in mind the 5 points you’ve laid down in this article.

    I wonder what will become of the blogs if all we can read are paid links. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

  2. Tomas Karkalas

    Thank you for the Five Essentials of a Great Blog Post!
    It was fine to re-think about the ABC of our communication.
    I see the leaving of the comments as the fruits of thinking. That’s a dream of each artist.

  3. Doug in Missoula

    I think brevity and succinctness are important as well. Why take 400 words if you can say it in 100? (or 20)

  4. Amar | A Note

    Thanks for sharing, this is really helpful for a new blogger like me. I’ll try to think of these 5 essentials when I write a post.

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