Writing, Among Other Things

Happy New Year 2013!

1408768_2013_1Every year seems to be going faster than the last, and 2012 was no exception. It went by in the blink of an eye, and 2013 is here. I hope it will be kind to us and won’t pass us by as fast as 2012 did.

I would like to wish all of you a happy and a prosperous 2013. More than anything else, I hope and wish that everyone has a satisfying year ahead. 365 days from now, when you look back at 2013, I hope you do it with a huge smile on your face.

Looking back at 2012

Most major online sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Google had posted their year in review in 2012 itself. While we might not have something as spectacular as them to report, but why should that stop us from posting our year in review.

If not for others, then for our own selves.

Looking back at the year gone by helps us in realising what we did wrong, and what we did right. 2012 for me was a year of more wrongs than right – I broke more resolutions than I kept, especially the blogging and writing resolutions.

In 2012, I posted thirteen blog posts on the blog. Since three of these were by guest bloggers, the number of posts I wrote for the blog was less than one per month. This frequency is grossly inadequate for any blog that intends to be read by an intelligent audience.

One of my resolutions for 2012 was to read 130 books in the year. In the end, I barely managed to read 20. I had thought reading 130 books in an year would not be such a big ask, but failing to do so two years in a row has made me realise my mistake. I think I need to revise my target for 2013.

Planning for 2013

I am a strong believer in making resolutions. My experiences have taught me that if you stick with them, sooner or later, resolutions help you in achieving your targets. So, even if I fail in a few of my resolutions every year, I make new lists every year. Here is my list for 2013:

a) Read 100 books.
b) Write 1500 words everyday.
c) Post on this blog at an average rate of one blog post per week.
d) Exercise at least three times a week.
e) Smile more.
f) Procrastinate less.

I hope I am able to stick to my resolutions this year. At least a few of them.

Meanwhile, you have yourself a great year ahead.

(Image courtesy: djj from sxc.hu)

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  1. Julie Luek

    What a great post. I will look forward to reading more of your posts and growing along with you. I too am a big believer in setting goals–it gives my mind and heart a focus for the coming year. I am letting the breeze of my heart change my writing direction a bit this year– or at least give it a shot. It’s scary and feels very vulnerable, but here’s to stepping out on faith and seeing what happens. Best to you in the coming year.

  2. Ribbons

    You said one good points here that Every year seems to be going faster than the last, and 2012 was no exception. It went by in the blink of an eye.So 2013 has come and Wishing you a very Happy New Year 2013.I also make more resolutions for coming year and do something according my new Year resolution but some resolutions doesn’t follow by me.And again i am going to make a resolution for 2013.I hope i’ll be success to follow that resolution.

  3. Ribbons

    Wishing you a very joyful,prosperous and Happy New Year 2013.Time is paasing away like a blink of an eye.In this New Year lots of New planning has been planned.I have planned some resolution which i want to complete this year.So wish me a Good luck.

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