Writing, Among Other Things

Category: Blogging (Page 8 of 16)

Blogging Idol -2…I had almost forgot!

Blogging Idol - 2Recently, I read somewhere,”If you can do a million things, you can do one million and one.” After reading that one line, I was inspired to take on quite a few jobs on my hands for the month of November. Though, I didn’t plan too much, I was pretty sure that I will be able to manage all that I have taken on.

But, now, to my dismay, I seem to be on the path to discover that I am not one of those lucky ones who can do a million and one things.

When I heard that Blogging Idol – 2 was going on, I was quick to jump in to the fray, but it is only now (almost 13 days after the competition had begun) that I have been able to post about the challenge. I hope this turns out to be a case of late being better than never.

If you want to help me win the Blogging Idol -2, all you have to do is subscribe to the RSS feed of the blog using the buttons on the top of the right side bar, or you could subscribe to the blog by clicking here.

Looking forward to have you as a subscriber to the blog!

BlogRush is dead!

So, the announcement has finally come: BlogRush is shutting down. But, I am sure, BlogRush was already dead for most people. I, for one, have not logged into my BlogRush account for ages. In fact, I had all but forgotten about BlogRush when I got the e-mail from the BlogRush system.

I had earlier written a post about “Why BlogRush failed and Entrecard Succeeded ?” and I still stand by most of what I had said in that post.

Initially, when BlogRush was launched, it did spread like wild fire, but I think that had more to do with the fact that John knew most of the probloggers and they helped him spread the word about BlogRush. I had read about BlogRush on Darren’s blog, and I checked the site out. At that time, I felt that the idea was good and had potential. So, I was quick to install the widget and I even wrote a post about this new service.

But, with time, it became evident that BlogRush was not going to be the next big thing, even though they launched the traffic jam site to complement BlogRush. In spite of the failure, I must say the BlogRush was a great idea and my best wishes are with the BlogRush team for their next project.

What are your thoughts about BlogRush shutting down?

Follow me…if you can!

I am sure by now most bloggers are not only aware of what Twitter is, but are also using it to the utmost. I have been a member of twitter for quite some time now, but for some reason I had been very sceptic about the site; to some extent, I still am.

I have no doubt that sites like twitter are very good for social networking and for staying in touch with friends. But, at the same time, one must be careful when one uses these sites. The main thing to remember is that these are a means to an end, and not an end in themselves.

As a blogger, one can often fall in the trap of believing that if one is a successful social networker, one will automatically become a successful blogger. In this belief, the blogger will spend more time and effort in social networking and less time on actually blogging.  And when he doesn’t get the desired result, he is disappointed.

This is one of the reasons I have been staying away from social networking sites for the past some time. But, recently I decided to check out Twitter once again, and I  liked it because it is a no frill site, and hence it does not take up a lot of time.  So, I decided to try and use Twitter for a few days, and see how it goes.

If you want, you can follow me on Twitter! (I have also added the “What are you doing” widget to the sidebar)

Are You Losing Blogging Steam?

It has been more than a month since I have updated this blog. This is not good as this was definitely not what I had wanted for this blog. Of course, I always knew that I would never be like many other bloggers, who make it a point to blog atleast once every day. Yet, I had also not thought that things would come to such a pass that I would not have a posted in over a month.

Something tells me that I am not the only one who is in a position like this. I see many blogs on the Internet that start off very well, but begin to lose steam in a while, and are eventually given up. Why is it that many bloggers find it easy to keep blogging over a period of time, while others find it very difficult to continue beyond the first few months?

I am sure there are many answers to the question, and I would love to hear what you have to say on the subject.

But, based on my own experineces, I feel that one of the answers to the question is : Organization!

Continue reading

Win 6000 EC, or 125 X 125 Ad Space

UPDATE1: I just found out that there is a problem with my comments table and I am not getting your comments. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to anyone who has commented in the past couple of days. I am trying to rectify the problem, but the contest is still on. You will however have to use the contact me form (on the navigation bar) instead of the comment form till the time the comments start to work again.

UPDATE2: The problem is resolved, but I have unfortunately managed to lose the comments that have been posted over the past couple of days. So, if you have posted a comment during that time and it has not shown up, you now know why. I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused to you and I hope that you will take the time to post your comment again. Sorry for the trouble, and thanks for bearing with me.

win win win!

After the success of the last contest, it is contest time on the blog once again!

This time the prize is more than the last time, and there is a prize even for those who don’t use Entrecard. You can either enter the contest to win 6000 Entrecard credits or, if you don’t use Entrecard, you could enter the contest to win an 125 X 125 ad space on this blog for three months.  Even if you use Entrecard but would rather win the ad space, you can do that. The 125 X 125 ad will be placed where the money magnet is placed at present.

The Rules :

  • You have to subscribe to the RSS feed of the blog via email.
  • Then, you have to leave a comment on this post stating whether you are entering the contest for the 6,000 EC or the ad space. You can enter only for one of the two.
  • Those who are already subscribed to the RSS feed are not eligible for the contest. Sorry, you guys!
  • The contest closes midnight (Indian Standard Time) 31st July, 2008.
  • The winners will be announced on 1st August, 2008.
  • The winner will have to provide his own 125 X 125 ad, which would be subject to approval before  it is put up on the site.

That is all.

You don’t have to write a post about this contest, but I would really appreciate it if you did. It would be good to see this contest get as much publicity as possible. Best of luck to all those who decide to participate.

P.S. – This contest will have at least two winners. But, if any of you would like to sponsor any prizes for the contest, we could end up having more winners!

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