Writing, Among Other Things

Category: Inspiration (Page 6 of 6)

Do You Have Something Better To Do?

Do You Have Something Better To Do?Most of us have that one thing that we have wanted to do all our life, but, for one reason or another, have never got around to doing it. My thing is learning to play the guitar. Since I was in school, I have wanted to learn to play the guitar. In fact, once I went ahead and bought a guitar, which is now lying in some corner of the house, warped with years of neglect and dampness.

Even today I want to learn to play the guitar, but I am not sure if I will ever get around to that.

So, recently, sitting at a friend’s cafe I was feeling impressed with the wonderful music being played by the guys on the next table. The lifelong yearning to play the guitar, stirred within me a desire to talk to these young men.

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Where do ideas come from?

1078436_word_idea_on_the_dicesIdeas are strange beings, and usually with a life of their own.

Sometimes, an idea will take control of you completely until you are forced to act on it, and at other times an idea will flit across your mind so quickly that you won’t be able to understand what it was.

I have always wondered about the origin of ideas. I also feel that no idea is original. Every idea that we have has its origin in something we have read, heard, seen or felt at sometime or the other in our life.

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How to find your Passion?

181788_affettuoso_carloso_1The most common advice that you can expect from any motivational speaker is this : Do what you are passionate about.

If everyone knows that, it should be easy. Right?

Only it isn’t.

Very few are able to identify what they are passionate about – for the rest, the search for passion is a lifelong exercise. Sometimes, by the time a person knows for sure what he is passionate about, it is too late to do anything about it.

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Do you dream your stories?

255370_sweet_dreams_ii_3One morning I woke up with a start. I checked my leg thoroughly for bite-marks. There were none. Yet, I felt like getting a vaccine for rabies, just to be safe. I had dreamt of being bitten by a rabid dog. The dream was so vivid that I had a hard time convincing myself that I had not been bitten by a dog.

We all dream. Even though we dream every night, we are usually not able to remember our dreams when we wake up. There are exceptions, however, when we are able to remember our dreams, and, sometimes, these dreams feel so real, so fantastic, that one has the feeling of living through an adventure.

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