Writing, Among Other Things

Category: Success (Page 1 of 9)

Happy New Year 2023-Transform!

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. ~Richard Bach.

What is a good life if not a constant endeavour to transform – to change – for the better, and there is no better time to bring about the change than the present. Human nature, however, is no exception to the sound laws of Physics. A body in motion will continue to remain in motion until an external force is applied to stop it, and similarly a body that is lying still will continue to remain in that state until an external force is applied to move it. Nature is changing every moment, but ironically it does not embrace change with open arms. An effort has to be made for change to happen, and making an effort needs an application of energy, that is sometimes hard to find.

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How To Predict The Future?

Since times immemorial humans have been obsessed with the future. Scientists through their mathematical models, and us, lesser mortals, through astrological divinations have constantly endeavoured to predict the future, because we want to know that our future is going to be great. And if it is not going to be great, we want to be prepared for what is coming.

But, in spite of the best efforts and intentions, no sure-fire way of predicting the future has been arrived at. One reason for this could be that the future does not exist until it happens, and mathematical models or astrological divinations – whichever you choose to believe in – can only give you a rough outline of one out of many futures.

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Sometime in the middle of 2017 a company called SaReGaMa launched a music player, Carvaan, in India. When I heard about the product I was extremely sceptical about it. I mean who would want to buy a comparatively large music player, with pre-recorded songs, in an age when YouTube and other similar sites had brought the music of your choice right to the palm of your hands. Even though Carvaan came with an inbuilt radio and supported USB as well as Bluetooth, I had my doubts about the product’s success.

I was wrong.

Soon, the Carvaan began to show up in various houses I visited, and recently one was gifted to me. I checked it up on the Internet and found out that the product had not only become a success but had also helped revive SaReGaMa’s dwindling fortunes.

How did that happen?

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