Writing, Among Other Things

Category: Success (Page 5 of 9)

How to Make the Best use of Time!

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.” Albert Einstein

I am sure every day you hear at least one person say, “How fast is time flying” or “I can’t find the time to do the things I want to do.”

The clock keeps ticking at its own steady pace, but our perception of time keeps changing. Time is nothing but perception. If time is a result of our perception, then it can be said that it is our perception that makes us think that we are short of time. If that is so, then we can easily find time in our lives by merely changing the way we perceive time.

Would you agree with that line of reasoning?

Whether you agree, or not, I would exhort you to stay with me and continue reading.

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Does knowing things make you smarter?

Today’s generation is an educated lot. The literacy rate is increasing all across the globe, and so, by default, it should be expected that we have more smarter people today, than we had, say, 50 years ago.

While it would be difficult to decide one way or another, it can be safely said that today we have more knowledgeable people than 50 years ago.

But, does having more knowledge make you smarter?

I don’t think so. Having knowledge is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for smartness is what I say.

Here is a little story from the great Indian epic, Mahabharat, to illustrate what I mean:

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Fighting Distractions!

One of my New Year resolutions was to write something everyday. This shouldn’t be hard, I told myself. After all, writing is something I love to do. Yet, it hasn’t turned out to be all that easy either.

Why is it difficult to do something that we love, everyday?

The answer, I think, lies in this one word: Distractions. There is always something, or the other, that keeps us from doing what we want.

Our world today continues to have 24 hours in a day, but the number of things – useful as well as not so useful – we can do in these 24 hours has increased exponentially. Some of these things can be avoided easily, but some others seem absolutely necessary for our survival.

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Easy Tips for Winning NaNoWriMo

“At midnight on November 1, armed only with their wits, the vague outline of a story, and a ridiculous deadline, more than 250,000 people around the world will set out to become novelists.”

These are the opening lines from the official press release for NaNoWrimo 2011. For those who don’t know what NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is, it should suffice to say that NaNowrimo is about writing a 50,000 words novella in the 30 days of November. Every year since 1999, an increasing number of people have attempted this task, and many have failed. Let’s have a look at the numbers:

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Incremental Changes!

One fine morning you wake up and realise that something is very wrong. Things in your life are in a bad shape, and you wonder how it came to this.

You look back, introspect, and realise that things didn’t become bad overnight. They were slowly getting from bad to worse, but you never noticed until things went out of control. It is only then that you decide to take charge, and improve things.

The reverse is also true.

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