Writing, Among Other Things

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How Large is Your Circle?

I love watching movies. Movies not only entertain us, but sometimes they contain a message that can leave a deep impression on us and, as a result, can help us in becoming a better person.

When I watched 10, 000 B.C. some years ago, I liked the movie. Some people might find it a bit violent for their taste, and to be honest, the movie didn’t do very well with the critics either. But it doesn’t matter. The point of this post is not to make you watch the movie, but to share with you a quote from the movie:

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Why You Should do NaNoWriMo this Year, and Every Year

2013-Participant-Twitter-HeaderNaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month for the uninitiated, is about writing 50,000 words of a novel in the thirty days of November. If you are able to do it, you are a winner. That, I think, is the beauty of it – you get to call yourself a winner without beating anyone, except your lazy habits.

But a question often asked from NaNoWriMo participants is why do you do it, if you get nothing out of it. So, I thought I would list down my reasons for doing NaNoWriMo this year, and every year:

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Meeting Mr. Ruskin Bond!

There are some writers that we have been reading since childhood. We never imagine meeting these writers because they seem to be a part of a different universe. Mr. Ruskin Bond was one such writer for me.

I have used was in that sentence because last week our universes conspired – I can think of no other reason for our chance meeting – and brought us on a converging path.

It happened like this.

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When things aren’t going your way…

Every once in a while, you will find that things aren’t happening as you planned them. You try hard to make things better, but the harder you try, the worse things become, or so it seems. There comes a point, eventually, when you start feeling that there is nothing you can do to make things better. In other words, it seems like you are pushing against a brick wall, that just won’t move.

How is one supposed to act in situations like that?

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Happy New Year 2011!

I would like to use this post to wish everyone a very Happy New year, 2011.

Hope you had a great 2010, and have an even better 2011.

New Year’s is a great time to take a quick look at the past, understand why things happened the way they did, and plan for things to happen in a better way in the coming year.  This is why New Year’s Day is a great time to make resolutions.

Anyone who knows me knows that I always have a long list of resolutions every year. Most of the time, by mid year I end up breaking all of the resolutions, and yet every year I make them.

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