Writing, Among Other Things

Category: Writing (Page 11 of 19)

Want to Impress With Your Writing?

can't WriteAll of us have gone through phases where the eternal spring of writing seems to dry up. We can sit at the computer for hours but when we look at the screen, all we have is a few lines, and those too aren’t worth much. Thanks to technology, all we end up wasting is our time, unlike the old days when along with time a lot of paper was wasted too too. Today, all we need to do is hit delete and start all over again.

Why does the spring dry up though?

One of the major reasons for this happening is that we try too hard to write something that will impress our readers. We read a lot of things, and some of them leave an impression. We, in turn, want to write something that leaves an impression on others. But, try as hard as we may, we fail to come up with that masterpiece. The harder we try, the worse it gets. It’s like trying to hold quicksilver in your hands – it just keeps slipping out.The reason is simple, we are  trying to write in a style, and on a subject that is not our own. If we don’t know about a subject how can we possible write about it?

A classic example of the above case  are the “how to blog” and “make money blogs” that have spawned the Internet over the past decade. The reason for this spurt is the fact that some of the blogs that talk about blogging and making money are actually very successful. Many people want to take the easy way out and want to replicate this success without ensuring that they have enough firepower in their arsenal to keep the blog going. Not surprisingly, many of  these blogs die a premature death.

The similar thing happens with writing too. We look at subjects that have been delicately handled by other writers. We enjoy reading their work, and we want to write something similar to what they have written. But, we fail because we forget that what had impressed us was not merely good writing, but the in-depth treatment the writer had provided to the subject. Such an in-depth treatment can come only if you have sufficient knowledge and experience on the subject you are writing about.

Jeffrey Archer, the famous author, puts it beautifully in the following lines:

If you look at the work of Jane Austen — arguably the greatest novelist that ever lived — she lived in a small town, had four sisters who couldn’t get married. So she writes a book about four sisters who couldn’t get married, a story about three sisters who couldn’t get married, a story about two sisters who couldn’t get married, and a story about one who couldn’t marry herself off. All of them are masterpieces. So you write well if you’re an author who writes about what he has an experience of. When young people come to me and say, “Jeffrey I want to write a book. Should I write a ghost story, should I write a thriller?” I say write what you know about, because if you get that over to the public and if it’s a good story, they’ll want to turn the page.

Five Tips for Effective Writing

Whether it is for work or for fun, in today’s day and time, no one can escape writing. Whether you like it or not, you will have to do it, so why run away from it?

Instead, try to improve your writing, so that instead of avoiding writing you are looking forward to opportunities where you can demonstrate your skill with the written word.

It takes some talent and a lot of practice to become a good writer. Most of you may not even want to become professional writers, but keeping the following things in mind will help you in writing  better on whatever level you need to.

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Being Bilingual: Blessing, or Curse?

There are many advantages of being born and brought up in a bilingual country. One grows up learning, and interacting with, two languages. These advantages, like all good things, come with a few drawbacks.

One usually ends up reading and writing in one language, and conversing with friends and family in another language. This is akin to having a multiple personality. One is led to the fallacy of believing that he is proficient in two languages, while he is good at none. Being good in any language involves a mastery of both the written and the spoken word in that language.

Words of the eminent novelist Raja Rao on the subject stand out, and are worth repeating here. In the introduction to his 1937 novel, Kanthapura, he writes:

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If you want to improve it, measure it

Performance MeasurementA wise man once said, “If you want to improve something, you better start by measuring that thing.”

The wise man was right. If you have no way to measure your performance, you have no way to improve it. That is the reason why some things – like “being organized” – are easier to aim for, but harder to achieve.

Writing is no different. Most of us want to improve the way we write. There are many books and websites that provide us with helpful insights on how to go about the process of writing better. We read them, even follow some of the suggestions, but at the end of it all we are asking ourselves the question : has our writing improved?

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What to write about?

Sometimes, and today is definitely one of those times, I just sit in front of the computer, and wonder what to write?

It doesn’t take too long for the next logical question to arise: Why to write at all?

The answer is sitting pretty, right in front of my eyes. I try to pretend that I can’t see it. It just smiles and does nothing. It knows that sooner or later I will have to acknowlege it’s presence. When I do that, it can have all the fun it wishes to have with me.

So, I acknowledge the answer.  I have to write because I started this blog. Did I need one? Did I have a plan for it in my mind?  No, absolutely not!

I started it simply because I saw so many others, around me, doing the same. Of course, writing was something I loved to do, and something I still love to do, and something that I hope I will continue to love to do as long as I am alive.

And, yet, writing has become a chore.

What do you do when someone you love starts to seem like a nag? You either choose the easy way out and walk away, or you decide to take the more tortuous path of trying to make things right again. I think the same applies to things too.

If writing has become a chore, I can choose to stop writing and do the other things that I do, or hope to do  in the future. I could even take up a new hobby or a new activity. It would all be so easy. But, then, I would never feel the joy that I have felt every time I have finished a piece of writing. Nothing, in this world, can replace that feeling.

So, I choose to stay on and keep writing, and, when it becomes a chore, I will try and find newer ways to fall back in love with what I have always loved.

Do you ever feel that writing a blog post has become a task, that has to be  completed? How do you deal with the boredom that accompanies blogging?

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