
Writing, Among Other Things

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Can Teams be Creative?

2012-06-08 19.46.45For a while now, I have been trying to start work on a project with a couple of my friends. Unfortunately, the project has failed to take-off till now, even though we have had many discussions about how to start and when to start.

So, naturally, the topic that came up for discussion when we met recently was:

Is it possible to be just as creative as a team, as you are as an individual?

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Where I Disagree with Stephen King!

imagesRecently, I was reading Stephen King’s book, On Writing (a book you must read, if you haven’t), and I came across this interesting comment:

 “… while it is impossible to make a competent writer out of a bad writer, and while it is equally impossible to make a great writer out of a good one, it is possible, with lots of hard work , dedication, and timely help, to make a good writer out of a merely competent one.”

I was surprised on reading this, because most of my life I have believed that with hard work and dedication anything can be achieved. So, why should it be impossible to become a great writer, even if you are a bad one today, or even if you are not a writer at all?

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5 Ways to Avoid Repeating Your Mistakes

“All men make mistakes, but only fools repeat them.”How To Avoid Repeating Your Mistakes

If this statement is true, then most of us are fools, because I am yet to come across anyone who, at some point of time or another, has not made the same mistake twice.

In an ideal world, it would be possible to learn from every mistake that we make, and never repeat them. In fact, in a perfect world it would be possible to learn from the mistakes that others make. But, unfortunately, the world we live in is hardly perfect.

For a variety of reasons, we are not even able to learn from our own mistakes every time. But, if we make a conscious effort, it is possible to reduce the occurrence of repeated mistakes.

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Where do ideas come from?

1078436_word_idea_on_the_dicesIdeas are strange beings, and usually with a life of their own.

Sometimes, an idea will take control of you completely until you are forced to act on it, and at other times an idea will flit across your mind so quickly that you won’t be able to understand what it was.

I have always wondered about the origin of ideas. I also feel that no idea is original. Every idea that we have has its origin in something we have read, heard, seen or felt at sometime or the other in our life.

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How to find your Passion?

181788_affettuoso_carloso_1The most common advice that you can expect from any motivational speaker is this : Do what you are passionate about.

If everyone knows that, it should be easy. Right?

Only it isn’t.

Very few are able to identify what they are passionate about – for the rest, the search for passion is a lifelong exercise. Sometimes, by the time a person knows for sure what he is passionate about, it is too late to do anything about it.

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