
Writing, Among Other Things

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The “How” and the “Why”

544853_question_markLet’s say  you want to start something new. Something you have never done before.

What do you do?

You read a few “how-to” books on the subject, you seek help from friends who are already doing it, and you visit a few websites that deal with the subject at hand. Chances are if you are serious about doing the thing, whatever it may be, you will soon be doing it well enough.

But, what if you want to get better at it?

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Ten Great Quotes for Writers!

1406476_blank_metal_plaque_5Quotes have always been around, but in the age of Twitter and Facebook, they have become ubiquitous. Over the past couple of years, I am sure you must have come across many great quotes too – shared by your friends on Twitter or posted by them on Facebook.

Here is a list of ten great quotes about writing that I have come across over the years. I hope you like them as much as I do.

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Do you dream your stories?

255370_sweet_dreams_ii_3One morning I woke up with a start. I checked my leg thoroughly for bite-marks. There were none. Yet, I felt like getting a vaccine for rabies, just to be safe. I had dreamt of being bitten by a rabid dog. The dream was so vivid that I had a hard time convincing myself that I had not been bitten by a dog.

We all dream. Even though we dream every night, we are usually not able to remember our dreams when we wake up. There are exceptions, however, when we are able to remember our dreams, and, sometimes, these dreams feel so real, so fantastic, that one has the feeling of living through an adventure.

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Who Decides What You Write?

557104_writing_block_1The answer to the question seems pretty straightforward – You decide what you write. No?

After discussions with friends and fellow bloggers, however, I have found out that things are not that simple.

When we start writing, we write what we want to write, but for most of us that time doesn’t last long. Today, with so many outlets for our creative energies, it is not too difficult to run out of creative steam. What happens then?

The Internet has made it possible for our words reach the farthest corner (maybe not the farthest, but  you get the point, don’t you?) of the world within no time. Simultaneously, the Internet has also made it possible for anyone who reads us to give you feedback in real time.

 Is that good for us, as writers?

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Happy New Year 2013!

1408768_2013_1Every year seems to be going faster than the last, and 2012 was no exception. It went by in the blink of an eye, and 2013 is here. I hope it will be kind to us and won’t pass us by as fast as 2012 did.

I would like to wish all of you a happy and a prosperous 2013. More than anything else, I hope and wish that everyone has a satisfying year ahead. 365 days from now, when you look back at 2013, I hope you do it with a huge smile on your face.

Looking back at 2012

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