
Writing, Among Other Things

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Five things I am doing to get up early in the morning!

1337586_sunriseMost people I know have a difficult time getting up early in the morning. Getting up early becomes especially difficult in the winters, when the warmth of the bed is too alluring to be left behind.

As a child getting up early was a necessity, as school for most people started at 8, and one could not afford to miss school. But as one grew up the necessity to get up early in the morning vanished, and so did the habit of getting up early. The famous adage, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” was left behind at school as well.

About ten days go, however, I decided to change that. I decided to start waking up early in the morning again. Though I am sure I have not chosen the best time to do that, because winters have arrived here, and it is dark outside till around 7 AM. But, anyway, I have decided to have a go at it, and here are the five things I am doing to help me get there:

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NaNoWriMo 2012!

NaNoWriMoIt is that time of the year again when you have to decide whether you are going to take part in the NaNoWriMo or not.

Every year for  the last few years I have decided that I will. Unfortunately, I have not been able to achieve the goal of writing 50,000 words in a month every time. But, I have done that at least once, and that keeps me motivated to attempt NaNoWriMo every year, and I have decided that I am going to try it this year as well.

In fact, I have decided that I am not only going to try, but win the NaNoWriMo this year.

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Do you know of an interesting blog about Writing, Creativity, or Inspiration?

If you have been blogging for any length of time, I am sure you must have used a blog surfing  website like Blogexplosion or Entrecard. A lot of people I have talked to are not very fond of surfing sites because they believe that most visitors from such sites are mindlessly clicking the widgets without paying attention to the content of the blog.

Though this contention is true for most people, yet over the years I have found several interesting blogs as well as several regular visitors to this blog through the blog surfing websites.

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Your Site Goes Viral. What Next?

So far on my blog, The YA’s Dogtown, I’ve received two large bursts of traffic from Tumblr and Reddit. Both were 500+ views on the same day.

The first was from a high-profile Tumblr blog, which reblogged the link to one of my older posts. The second was from a Reddit group, for a guest post over at YA Indie.

You would think that I would be giddy from these referrals and have a large increase in followers, but that wasn’t the case in both incidents.

The end result? Two comments, and no new subscribers.

The crowd passed through, but didn’t stay around.

You Got to Convert.

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How to Make the Best use of Time!

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.” Albert Einstein

I am sure every day you hear at least one person say, “How fast is time flying” or “I can’t find the time to do the things I want to do.”

The clock keeps ticking at its own steady pace, but our perception of time keeps changing. Time is nothing but perception. If time is a result of our perception, then it can be said that it is our perception that makes us think that we are short of time. If that is so, then we can easily find time in our lives by merely changing the way we perceive time.

Would you agree with that line of reasoning?

Whether you agree, or not, I would exhort you to stay with me and continue reading.

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