
Writing, Among Other Things

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Easy Tips for Winning NaNoWriMo

“At midnight on November 1, armed only with their wits, the vague outline of a story, and a ridiculous deadline, more than 250,000 people around the world will set out to become novelists.”

These are the opening lines from the official press release for NaNoWrimo 2011. For those who don’t know what NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is, it should suffice to say that NaNowrimo is about writing a 50,000 words novella in the 30 days of November. Every year since 1999, an increasing number of people have attempted this task, and many have failed. Let’s have a look at the numbers:

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Does TV kill Creativity?

When I was a child, I did not watch a lot of TV. In fact, TV was not even interesting as only a few channels were available, and these were mostly boring.  So, naturally, kids in our time did the next best thing – they read!

These days, however, TV has become interesting. There is something for everyone and, therefore, it is no wonder that everyone is watching more TV than ever before.  I am no exception.

But, with the increase in my TV viewing time, I couldn’t help wondering: Does watching TV  TV kill creativity?

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Incremental Changes!

One fine morning you wake up and realise that something is very wrong. Things in your life are in a bad shape, and you wonder how it came to this.

You look back, introspect, and realise that things didn’t become bad overnight. They were slowly getting from bad to worse, but you never noticed until things went out of control. It is only then that you decide to take charge, and improve things.

The reverse is also true.

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Is there a Secret to Success?

I recently came across a blog post titled, “The one secret to successful blogging”. Of course, I was hooked and I decided to go ahead and read the entire post.

When I was finished I was more disappointed than anything else. Looking back, I think whenever I have come across any post or article that promises to reveal the “only” secret to anything, I have only faced disappointment.

It would, therefore, be safe to say  that there is no one secret for succeeding in anything.

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Words -Tools for Great Writing

Learn new words!Writing is a craft, and every writer is a craftsman.

Words are the basic tools that writers use to bring out the best in their work. Like any other craft, the best results can be achieved only with the best of tools.

Even if you possess a good set of tools, you need to constantly sharpen and improve them, so that your tool set does not become old and rusted. Similarly, you need to keep learning new words – your writing tools – to be able to write well and long.

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