
Writing, Among Other Things

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Why is Twitter so popular?

twitterI have never been a great fan of social networking sites, but that does not alter the fact that a recent report by Nielsen Online found that, Social networking has become a fundamental part of the global online experience.”

In fact, I am sure, many people these days get their first experience of the Internet through a social networking site.

The Nielsen report further states that, “Facebook – the world’s most popular social network – is visited monthly by three in every 10 people online across the nine markets in which Nielsen tracks social networking use.

Another social networking site that is making the news these days is twitter. Though, it seems, twitter has not made it into the report this year, but if it continues to grow at the rate it is growing, no report will be able to ignore it. So, one can’t help but wonder, what keeps twitter growing, even in the face of competitors like Facebook, MySpace, Orkut etc. Here are some reasons that I feel are contributing to the success of twitter, and set it apart from any other social networking site:

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The Most Effective Tip for Writing Better!

Writing BetterWhatever your profession might be, it is impossible that a single day goes by without you having to write something. Be it an e-mail, or a memo, or a report or anything else, but write you must.

This post is mostly about creative writing, but what is applicable to creative writing is, with a few necessary changes, applicable to any other form of writing.

The most common barrier to writing is the fear of making a mistake, or the fear of writing something that is boring, or unreadable. One just wants to sit on the desk, and start writing, with the hope that words will begin to tumble and an interesting, gripping, page-turning story will be born.

But, it is not that easy. Not even for professionals likes Stephen King and Jeffrey Archer.

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Feeling Guilty

Feeling GuiltyStarting a blog, as the cliche goes, is like giving birth to a baby. You give birth to it, take care of it, help it bloom, and hope it grows into an independent youth who can take care of himself.

But, if at some point you neglect  the baby, there is a good chance that it might not grow up to be “normal”. The same thing happens with a blog.

And when you know that you have neglected your baby, you feel guilty. That is how I feel right now, because I think I have been neglecting this blog for a very long time. Oft and again I have tried to get back on track with the blog, and oft and again I have failed.

But as they say, failure is no reason to give up. If anything, it is a reason to try harder.

So, once again, I am going to try and get the blog back on track. Hope this time it stays on track!

Use Goal-Setting to Enhance Your Writing

Goal Setting theory of motivation is considered to be one of the most effective theories of motivation. We all need to stay motivated to go about the business of doing whatever it is that we do in our lives. But, more than anyone else, it is us – bloggers and struggling writers – who need to keep our motivation levels high in order to achieve success in our chosen field. How can we do that?

One way is to apply the goal setting theory to our writing.

The goal setting theory is simply about setting goals for our writing. But we already do that, what is so special about this theory? This theory says that our goals should have four essential qualities:

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Finding Ideas when you have none

If you have been blogging on a regular basis, over a long enough period of time, you must have had days when you have run out of ideas.  You cannot write a post, even if your very life was depending on it.  The reasons for this phenomenon could be many, but the existence of this phenomenon is undeniable.

Here are a few steps that could help in such a situation:

1. Prevention, I am sure you have heard, is better than cure. This may sound like no advice at all, but as far as possible avoid getting into a position where you have to search for ideas. Plan most of your posts in advance, so that there is no last minute rush – and accompanying panic – to come up with a blog post. Continue reading

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