Writing, Among Other Things

Tag: Blogger’s block

The Best Cure for Writer’s Block!

onecureMost of us believe in the Writing Block, just as we believe in the Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy. I have always believed that writing block is nothing but the writer getting lazy. It can’t, however, be denied that most of us, at one point of time or another, go through phases where writing anything becomes difficult – almost impossible.

There are many ways to set yourself free if you get stuck with the Writer’s block, and in the age of the World Wide Web most of these solutions are just a mouse-click away. Many of these solutions are individual specific, and might work for some while being completely ineffective for others.

There is, however, one solution that I feel can work for almost everyone.

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Finding Ideas when you have none

If you have been blogging on a regular basis, over a long enough period of time, you must have had days when you have run out of ideas.  You cannot write a post, even if your very life was depending on it.  The reasons for this phenomenon could be many, but the existence of this phenomenon is undeniable.

Here are a few steps that could help in such a situation:

1. Prevention, I am sure you have heard, is better than cure. This may sound like no advice at all, but as far as possible avoid getting into a position where you have to search for ideas. Plan most of your posts in advance, so that there is no last minute rush – and accompanying panic – to come up with a blog post. Continue reading

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