Writing, Among Other Things

Tag: Change

How To Predict The Future?

Since times immemorial humans have been obsessed with the future. Scientists through their mathematical models, and us, lesser mortals, through astrological divinations have constantly endeavoured to predict the future, because we want to know that our future is going to be great. And if it is not going to be great, we want to be prepared for what is coming.

But, in spite of the best efforts and intentions, no sure-fire way of predicting the future has been arrived at. One reason for this could be that the future does not exist until it happens, and mathematical models or astrological divinations – whichever you choose to believe in – can only give you a rough outline of one out of many futures.

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Have Things Really Changed As Much As We Think?

ChangeThings change. They have to. It is the law of nature. But, sometimes change can be an illusion. Just sometimes, we like to believe that things have changed when they really haven’t. It is easier that way, especially since it helps us feel better about our mistakes and shortcomings.

Life today is much more complex than it was, let’s say, fifteen or twenty years ago. The number of decisions that we have to take on any given day is staggering. From the kitchen to the office, everything has changed. But, has it really?

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