Writing, Among Other Things

Tag: NaNoWriMo

Why You Should do NaNoWriMo this Year, and Every Year

2013-Participant-Twitter-HeaderNaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month for the uninitiated, is about writing 50,000 words of a novel in the thirty days of November. If you are able to do it, you are a winner. That, I think, is the beauty of it – you get to call yourself a winner without beating anyone, except your lazy habits.

But a question often asked from NaNoWriMo participants is why do you do it, if you get nothing out of it. So, I thought I would list down my reasons for doing NaNoWriMo this year, and every year:

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NaNoWriMo 2012!

NaNoWriMoIt is that time of the year again when you have to decide whether you are going to take part in the NaNoWriMo or not.

Every year for  the last few years I have decided that I will. Unfortunately, I have not been able to achieve the goal of writing 50,000 words in a month every time. But, I have done that at least once, and that keeps me motivated to attempt NaNoWriMo every year, and I have decided that I am going to try it this year as well.

In fact, I have decided that I am not only going to try, but win the NaNoWriMo this year.

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Easy Tips for Winning NaNoWriMo

“At midnight on November 1, armed only with their wits, the vague outline of a story, and a ridiculous deadline, more than 250,000 people around the world will set out to become novelists.”

These are the opening lines from the official press release for NaNoWrimo 2011. For those who don’t know what NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is, it should suffice to say that NaNowrimo is about writing a 50,000 words novella in the 30 days of November. Every year since 1999, an increasing number of people have attempted this task, and many have failed. Let’s have a look at the numbers:

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