Writing, Among Other Things

Tag: Time

Time Waits for No One!


The trouble is, you think you have time.
Buddha’s Little Instruction Book

In his book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, Stephen Covey talks about urgent and important activities. As defined in the book, urgent activities are those that demand your immediate attention, while important activities are those that contribute to results and desired goals in the long run. The book emphasises that one of the characteristics of effective people is that they spend a big chunk of time focusing on activities that are important but not urgent. These include things “like building relationships, writing a personal mission statement, long-range planning, exercising, preventive maintenance, preparation — all those things we know we need to do, but somehow seldom get around to doing, because they aren’t urgent.”

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The Right Age to Write

old-typewriter-wanderer-continental-2-871392-mHave you ever wondered what is the best age to write that book which will make you famous all over the world. Should you write it when you are young and reckless, or should you wait till time has got a chance to work its magic upon you and you have learnt your lessons from the hard task master that time is.

G. B. Shaw famously said  that we learn from history that we learn nothing from history. Yet, history is an important tool to learn some lessons which otherwise we may never learn. So, I decided to have a look at the past to find out how old some famous writers were when they wrote one of their most acclaimed works.

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Do You Have Something Better To Do?

Do You Have Something Better To Do?Most of us have that one thing that we have wanted to do all our life, but, for one reason or another, have never got around to doing it. My thing is learning to play the guitar. Since I was in school, I have wanted to learn to play the guitar. In fact, once I went ahead and bought a guitar, which is now lying in some corner of the house, warped with years of neglect and dampness.

Even today I want to learn to play the guitar, but I am not sure if I will ever get around to that.

So, recently, sitting at a friend’s cafe I was feeling impressed with the wonderful music being played by the guys on the next table. The lifelong yearning to play the guitar, stirred within me a desire to talk to these young men.

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How to Make the Best use of Time!

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.” Albert Einstein

I am sure every day you hear at least one person say, “How fast is time flying” or “I can’t find the time to do the things I want to do.”

The clock keeps ticking at its own steady pace, but our perception of time keeps changing. Time is nothing but perception. If time is a result of our perception, then it can be said that it is our perception that makes us think that we are short of time. If that is so, then we can easily find time in our lives by merely changing the way we perceive time.

Would you agree with that line of reasoning?

Whether you agree, or not, I would exhort you to stay with me and continue reading.

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The best time to write?

time of the dayA question that every writer is bound to face sooner or later is,”What is the best time to write?”

The politically correct answer would be: “When inspiration strikes” or even a, “When you feel like it.”

But if you write on a regular basis, or have a regularly updated blog, I am sure, you are aware that waiting for inspiration to strike you is a definite recipe for not getting anything written. Sometimes, you are so far from being inspired that you are actually looking for excuses to do anything but write. How can you get yourself to write during such times?

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