Writing, Among Other Things

Tag: Tips

Easy Tips for Winning NaNoWriMo

“At midnight on November 1, armed only with their wits, the vague outline of a story, and a ridiculous deadline, more than 250,000 people around the world will set out to become novelists.”

These are the opening lines from the official press release for NaNoWrimo 2011. For those who don’t know what NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is, it should suffice to say that NaNowrimo is about writing a 50,000 words novella in the 30 days of November. Every year since 1999, an increasing number of people have attempted this task, and many have failed. Let’s have a look at the numbers:

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Five Tips for Effective Writing

Whether it is for work or for fun, in today’s day and time, no one can escape writing. Whether you like it or not, you will have to do it, so why run away from it?

Instead, try to improve your writing, so that instead of avoiding writing you are looking forward to opportunities where you can demonstrate your skill with the written word.

It takes some talent and a lot of practice to become a good writer. Most of you may not even want to become professional writers, but keeping the following things in mind will help you in writing  better on whatever level you need to.

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Article Writing Tip – 3

fountain pen Style is an important part of writing, and one that no one who hopes to be a writer, or a blogger for that matter, can afford to ignore.

Style can be said to be  made up of two parts.

The first is the writing style. As we continue on our writing journey, we consciously or sub-consciously begin to develop a style that is our own. This style is based on what we have read over the years. When we like something we read, it leaves a lasting impression on us, and this impression affects our writing.

To a great extent, this style is a result of extensive reading and practise. But, like most things, there are ways to improve upon your style. The easiest way to do it is read more. Make a habit of reading something every day.

 As I said in a previous post , reading is one of the three major inputs into the writing system. So, reading a wide variety of subjects will enhnace one’s writing even if it does not affect the style. Though I am sure that if you read on diverse topics and by different authors you will develop a style and one that will be liked by one and all.

The second element of style, that is especially relevant for bloggers and article writers, is presentation. You, as the writer, know what part of the article you want the reader to focus on, and what part you want to emphasize, therfore you have to correspondingly bold, underline or italicize the words in your article, or blog post.

Using short paragraphs, and as few words as possible to communicate your meaning is another important aspect of presentation that can be learnt.  And once again reading the writings of different authors can prove very helpful in your endeavour to present your article in a better way!

Till next time!

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