Writing, Among Other Things

Tag: Twitter

Does Twitter Make You a Better Writer?


Recently I was going through Brian Clark’s blog, and I came across an article with an interesting title: How Twitter Makes You A Better Writer. After going through the article, I was far from convinced  that Twitter can help you in improving your writing. In fact, not too many days ago, I was thinking that too much tweeting can actually hurt your writing.

Twitter gives you only 140 characters to say what is on your mind. With a 140 character limit, there is not a lot that you can say, even if you are trying to be concise. If you want to convey anything meaningful, you need more space than that. If you don’t have more space, what do you do: You try to find a shorter way to say what you have to say.

There are two ways in which you can do that.

The first way: Edit your tweet, change a few words, and try to be as concise as you can, but ensure all the while that you do not break the rules of proper English usage. If this attempt results in less than 140 characters, you are good to go, if not then you still have an unsolved problem on your hands.

The second way: Use chat lingo like u, gr8, dat, etc. Remove any extra words that may be grammatically correct, but are not needed to get the meaning across. In short, just type your message in any way that get the meaning gets across.  With SMS already being a part of our lives, this method comes naturally to most of us.

If you were tweeting to impress someone (maybe an editor, or a boss), you might want to take the first route. But, more often than not, Twitter is used as a platform for informal interaction, and playing by the rules is not that important. Therefore, most people choose the second way of making sure that their message does not cross 140 word limits.

As an example in the image above, I have taken one of my own tweets from not too long ago. At the time of tweeting that, I had no idea that I would be writing this post.

What do you think: Does Twitter make you a better writer or a worse one. Or, does it have no effect on your writing?

Why is Twitter so popular?

twitterI have never been a great fan of social networking sites, but that does not alter the fact that a recent report by Nielsen Online found that, Social networking has become a fundamental part of the global online experience.”

In fact, I am sure, many people these days get their first experience of the Internet through a social networking site.

The Nielsen report further states that, “Facebook – the world’s most popular social network – is visited monthly by three in every 10 people online across the nine markets in which Nielsen tracks social networking use.

Another social networking site that is making the news these days is twitter. Though, it seems, twitter has not made it into the report this year, but if it continues to grow at the rate it is growing, no report will be able to ignore it. So, one can’t help but wonder, what keeps twitter growing, even in the face of competitors like Facebook, MySpace, Orkut etc. Here are some reasons that I feel are contributing to the success of twitter, and set it apart from any other social networking site:

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Follow me…if you can!

I am sure by now most bloggers are not only aware of what Twitter is, but are also using it to the utmost. I have been a member of twitter for quite some time now, but for some reason I had been very sceptic about the site; to some extent, I still am.

I have no doubt that sites like twitter are very good for social networking and for staying in touch with friends. But, at the same time, one must be careful when one uses these sites. The main thing to remember is that these are a means to an end, and not an end in themselves.

As a blogger, one can often fall in the trap of believing that if one is a successful social networker, one will automatically become a successful blogger. In this belief, the blogger will spend more time and effort in social networking and less time on actually blogging.  And when he doesn’t get the desired result, he is disappointed.

This is one of the reasons I have been staying away from social networking sites for the past some time. But, recently I decided to check out Twitter once again, and I  liked it because it is a no frill site, and hence it does not take up a lot of time.  So, I decided to try and use Twitter for a few days, and see how it goes.

If you want, you can follow me on Twitter! (I have also added the “What are you doing” widget to the sidebar)

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