Someone wise once said:
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
There is a paradox for you if there ever was one.
Writing, Among Other Things
Someone wise once said:
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
There is a paradox for you if there ever was one.
A few years back, I was narrating a story I was working on to a friend. After patiently listening to my story, he suddenly sat up straight, and asked, “Have you copied it from somewhere? It sounds like something I have read before.”
You think that you have come up with a great story, and your friend accuses you of Plagiarism. There are very few things in life, let me tell you, that can irritate you more than such an accusation.
I, naturally, asked my friend about the part of my story that sounded copied.
“All of it,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone. Then he continued to tell me how my story was a copy of the so many stories he had read before.
In today’s fast paced world customisation has become a key word. All companies are trying to modify their products to meet the needs of as many individual customers as they can. It is quite possible that one day we will have products that have been modified to meet the need of each individual customer. Dell, for example, is one company that has tried to customise its products since its inception.
But, why is there a need for customisation?
The needs arises because each human being is unique. In spite of the physical resemblance, each one of the six billion individuals on this earth is unique. If you think that isn’t the case, then consider finger prints – though we all have fingers that are alike, and perform almost the same tasks, yet everyone has a unique finger print.
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