Writing, Among Other Things

Tag: Blogging (Page 1 of 3)

Blogging (Writing) Tips from Seth Godin’s Blog!

seth-godin-shot-of-marketing-perspectiveI don’t remember the exact number, but I have been following Seth Godin’s blog for a few years now. He has a blog that breaks a few rules of blogging – the blog is hosted on typepad and does not have comments enabled – yet his blog’s twitter account has more than 500 thousand followers. I am sure most of us would be happy with one third of that number.

I have often wondered what it is that makes his blog work, and I have come up with a few things that he does that make people fall in love with his blog. I think these can be used by bloggers, and writers alike  to improve their craft.

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Your Site Goes Viral. What Next?

So far on my blog, The YA’s Dogtown, I’ve received two large bursts of traffic from Tumblr and Reddit. Both were 500+ views on the same day.

The first was from a high-profile Tumblr blog, which reblogged the link to one of my older posts. The second was from a Reddit group, for a guest post over at YA Indie.

You would think that I would be giddy from these referrals and have a large increase in followers, but that wasn’t the case in both incidents.

The end result? Two comments, and no new subscribers.

The crowd passed through, but didn’t stay around.

You Got to Convert.

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What is your Blogging system?

Every writer has to figure out what works best – and often has to select and discard different tools before they find the one that fits.Nora Roberts

Every time I find it difficult to write something, I set out on a search on the Internet to find something that may get me inspired enough to type out a few words on my computer. Sometimes doing this works, sometimes it doesn’t.

I am a strong believer in systems. If you have to do anything repetitively, it is best to devise a system for it. Doing that takes away some of the pain and labour associated with doing that thing. Since, writing a blog post is something that bloggers have do repetitively, it is best that bloggers devise a system for it.

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What is your number?

“The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.”

The online world is a sea of numbers. If you have been online for any length of time, you are sure to be obsessed with one number or another. The list of numbers that can get to you is endless, and increasing by the day – the  number of times you check your email, the number of followers you have on Twitter, the number of friends you have on Facebook, and the list goes on.

If you also happen to be a blogger, then these numbers take on a whole new meaning. It can become so bad that sometimes your entire life begins to revolve around these numbers. You are constantly thinking and planning about what you can do to improve some, if not all, of them.

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