Writing, Among Other Things

4000 Entrecard Credits Giveaway Contest!!!

I am sure you know what Entrecard is. If you don’t then, maybe, you should stop reading this post, and do a google search for Entrecard.

But, if you do know about entrecard, and use it, then this post might be of a little interest to you. After using Entrecard for a few days, I have come to the conclusion that I do not have the time, or the patience, to drop  enough Entrecards every day.

So, though I like the idea, I have decided not to use Entrecard as much as I have in the past couple of weeks. And if I am not going to use them, the 4,000 Entrecard credits I have are not of much use to me. Therefore – as seems to be the current fashion – I have decided to hold a contest and give away the 4,000 credits.

Earlier, I was thinking of dividing the credits into smaller portions and distributing them among many people. But, then, I felt that reducing the number of credits, might make the contest less attractive to some. So, the 4,000 credits are going to go to one lucky person ( I hope winninig 4,000 entrecard credits makes you feel lucky enough).

The winner will be chosen by a random draw…and there are three ways to enter the draw:

1) Leaving a comment on this post –  1 entry.

2) Subscribing to the RSS feed via e-mail – 3 entries.

3) Writing a post about the contest on your blog – 7 entries.

The contest is open till the midnight of 13th May, 2008 ( Indian standard time). You can do one, or two, or all three of the above activities, but one activity can be done only once per person.

Since this is the first ever contest of any kind on this blog, I am really looking forward to the response this gets. Best of Luck!


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  1. cellobella

    Well I can always use Entrecard credits. Thanks for the comp. 🙂

  2. manilenya

    Because I am of your subscriber, I guess I’m in the contest already, Now all I need is to make a post about your contest.

    Good luck to me then. 🙂

  3. ClinkscalesArts

    Wow – what a great prize! You’re very generous.

  4. Shravan

    Subscribed to your feed!

  5. Wenbin

    Yay, another contest!!

  6. Brenda

    Have subscribed by email. Great contest!

  7. Alexys Fairfield

    It is time consuming to drop cards, but you just made it more fun.

    Good luck in your future endeavors.

  8. Lynne

    WOW! That’s a lot of credits! I hope you’ll continue with EC though!

  9. Asuka_Aki

    OMG what a generous give away! I’m in thanks.

  10. Asuka_Aki

    So cool I’ve posted about the contest on scrap4dollars.

  11. Wenbin

    I feel lucky today!!!

  12. Asuka_Aki

    Woo hoo I love entrecard contests. Free advertising is what keeps my site alive.

  13. turnem

    Hi I subscribed to your feed with chicoizagor@hotmail.com, Thanks a lot.

  14. Mary_Freebies

    I am doing all 3.
    I subscribed to your feed with the same email I a leaving this comment with.
    Here is my blog entry about your contest:

  15. indocontest

    Nice Contest.
    Blogged at :

  16. Michael

    Hey, I got here by way of BlogRush, but count me in…

  17. CyberCelt

    I am down with the contest. Click on my name to read my post.

    Have a great week.

  18. GB

    Please enter me — thanks!

  19. GBlogger

    Great idea — I’m in for the contest!

  20. AWBY

    Posting to enter! Thanks!

  21. Ken Armstrong

    Good luck with your contest!!

  22. John's Weight Loss Blog

    I could sure use 4,000 credits!

  23. Pinyo

    Count me in. 🙂

  24. Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry"

    Shucks, I’m too late. Boo, hoo. That would have been wonderful—-4,000 credits! Whew! I wonder two things: (1) Why didn’t you use them by purchasing ads on others blogs? and (2) how many entries did you get? Was it worth it?

  25. CrAzY Working Mom

    I am always up for a contest. I’m not usually the lucky type, but it can’t hurt to comment anyhow! 🙂

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