Writing, Among Other Things

Category: Blogging (Page 1 of 16)

Yet Another Happy New Year Post!

Blogging, it seems, has now become a yearly ritual for me. Come 1st January and somehow I manage to get my writing cap on and type out a few hundred words to post on the blog, which I am not even sure anyone reads anymore. But what is writing, if not shouting into the void in the hope that someone somewhere is going to read what you have written and maybe, just maybe, like it.

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Back From A Break!

Back From A Break

Well, calling it a break would be misleading because it has been more than 15 months since I have posted anything on the blog. Almost a year and a half. It was more of a stop than a break.

Calling it “coming back” now is also misleading as it can’t be called that until I become regular at posting here, which I intend to do. I am not sure if I had many regular readers, but if there were any, and you are one of them, I would like to apologise for making you wait so long for the “coming back”.

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Blogging (Writing) Tips from Seth Godin’s Blog!

seth-godin-shot-of-marketing-perspectiveI don’t remember the exact number, but I have been following Seth Godin’s blog for a few years now. He has a blog that breaks a few rules of blogging – the blog is hosted on typepad and does not have comments enabled – yet his blog’s twitter account has more than 500 thousand followers. I am sure most of us would be happy with one third of that number.

I have often wondered what it is that makes his blog work, and I have come up with a few things that he does that make people fall in love with his blog. I think these can be used by bloggers, and writers alike  to improve their craft.

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Do you know of an interesting blog about Writing, Creativity, or Inspiration?

If you have been blogging for any length of time, I am sure you must have used a blog surfing  website like Blogexplosion or Entrecard. A lot of people I have talked to are not very fond of surfing sites because they believe that most visitors from such sites are mindlessly clicking the widgets without paying attention to the content of the blog.

Though this contention is true for most people, yet over the years I have found several interesting blogs as well as several regular visitors to this blog through the blog surfing websites.

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