Writing, Among Other Things

Category: Blogging (Page 14 of 16)

Create a free Blog

Blogging has become immensely popular these days. Everyday thousands of new blogs are added to the blogosphere. One of the reasons for this is that starting a new blog has become very easy, and is mostly free.

One of the places where you can get a Free Blog is thoughts.com. The site has a community like structure which guarantees some exposure to your blog. All you have to do is create a free blog on the site, and start posting your thoughts as blog posts. The other users of the site can check out your blog, rate it and even provide feedback in the form of comments.

Sections like popular posts, recent posts, random posts ensure that your posts don’t get buried immediately, but get a chance to be read and rated. In addition to posting your posts, you can also upload photos, videos and podcasts. The site provides for almost all needs of a blogger.

On going through the site, I found that they hold a monthly contest and give away a 6 month Netflix membership to an existing member that has referred their friend to become an active member of the thoughts.com community. In addition there is another annual thoughts.com vacation getaway contest. If you are interested, you might want to check out the site.

One or many…Many or one?

One or MAny

This is one question that almost every blogger comes across as soon as the first blog is a few months old. The reason for starting a new blog could be a new idea that or a newly registered domain name.

But, I often wonder if it is a good idea to have many blogs or should a blogger restrict him/herself to just one blog.

I faced the question for the first time when I decided to have a blog on my own domain. At that time the question I faced was : should I move my existing blog from blogger to here, or should I start a new one? After deliberating on the question for a while, I finally chose to start a new blog, and keep the old one too.

Now, almost an year into my new blog, I think I have an answer to the “many or one” question.

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Google PR Vs. Alexa Ranking II – Monetizing

There are two kinds of bloggers that cannot afford to ignore either Google PageRank or Alexa ranking: The blogger who plans to monetize his site, and the blogger who likes to brag about his blog. That, I feel, covers most bloggers.

These days a lot of people start a blog for the sole purpose of making money. They hear stories about bloggers making money and they want to do the same.

In some ways, it is google , with it’s Adsense program, that started this trend. When a couple of years ago I started my first blog on blogger, Adsense was the first line of code that I added to my blog. There were three reasons for that :

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Google PR Vs. Alexa Ranking – I

This is the first of a series of posts that I intend to write about Google PR and Alexa Ranking. I am no expert in SEO, nor do I have a blog with a really high PR or Alexa ranking (this blog has a PR of 4 and an Alexa ranking of 993,641- at least for now), yet I find this topic quite interesting, and of some relevance to each and every blogger.

Google Page Rank was one of the most important statistic that a blogger might have been interested in. The best part was that there were ways and means to improve a blog’s Page Rank. If you exchanged links, posted often, used search engine relevant words, you would , more likely than not, see an increase in your PR.

But all that is a thing of the past. With the not-so-recent changes that Google made in it’s PR policy, it seems, a lot of bloggers found that their blog’s PR had taken a beating. The methods that worked before, did not work anymore.

Whatever the reason for this change might be, the result has been that a lot of bloggers have shifted focus from Google PR to Alexa Ranking. Alexa Ranking, as most bloggers would already know, is another measure of a blog’s popularity. Earlier, not a lot of people paid a lot of attention to it, because it was – and still is – a very unreliable method of judging a Blog.

And, there are ways and means in which a blogger can improve his or her blog’s Alexa ranking , especially if your rank is not very good at present. All you have to do is search for “tips to improve Alexa Ranking” and you will find many good posts on the topic.

More on the topic, in the subsequent posts. If you are interested, you might want to subscribe to the posts via Email.

Big time mess up!


As I said in a previous post, I recently moved hosts and I was very happy with the smooth way in which the transition happened but, then, I relaised that something was amiss.

When I was posting, I could not get the visual editor to work (which still doesnt work). So, confident after my initial success, I thought I could solve this problem too.

Big Mistake.

Everything that could go wrong, did! And I am thankful that I had been careful enough to take good back ups when I was moving because I had to re-install wordpress and lost all the posts. but my previous back-up came in handy, and I lost only two posts, which is not all that bad, considering I could have lost all of them.

Anyways, for now the blog is up and working, and I have learnt my lesson of not messing around with WordPress. I am going to take a break now and hope you don’t mind if something is not working right. If you notice something that is not as it should be, please leave a comment and let me know.

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