If you have visited this blog in the recent past you must have been annoyed at not finding anything here. Before I begin to explain what happened, let me apologise for the inconvenience you might have experienced.

All users of WordPress must know that they bring out newer versions of their software faster than you can get used to the one you have just installed. Though, I had been ignoring the newer versions and was sticking to my old WordPress, the attraction of 2.2 was too much even for someone like me and I decided to upgrade.

Big Mistake!

Suffice it to say that everything got mixed up and the blog went up in flames. I had taken the backup of my files, but then I was successfully able to do something to them that they would not work either or maybe it was that I could not get them to work. Frustrated and tired, I decided to scrap it all and install WP from scratch again- a five minute process, they said.

But some things are not meant to be. It was now that my hosting service provider decided to play the truant and I had issues right and left. At one point the live support told me that they simply did not support WordPress. And At that point of time I thought this site was as good as dead.

Just like all good things come to an end, so do bad things and finally, with the help of a friend, WordPress was installed and the blog is now on its feet again.

When this blog crashed I was serialising the novella I wrote for NanoWriMo last year and I think I am going to continue with that, but this time I am going to mix the novella with general posts.

Also, I am going to try and post something on here everday, so if by any chance you like to visit my blog, it would be a good idea to blog mark it. Tomorrow, I start the serialising of the novella again. If you have missed it the last time, dont miss it this time. If you read it before, please bear with me. I will get to the sixth chapter real soon.