Writing, Among Other Things

Category: NaNoWriMo (Page 2 of 2)

Win 6000 EC, or 125 X 125 Ad Space

UPDATE1: I just found out that there is a problem with my comments table and I am not getting your comments. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to anyone who has commented in the past couple of days. I am trying to rectify the problem, but the contest is still on. You will however have to use the contact me form (on the navigation bar) instead of the comment form till the time the comments start to work again.

UPDATE2: The problem is resolved, but I have unfortunately managed to lose the comments that have been posted over the past couple of days. So, if you have posted a comment during that time and it has not shown up, you now know why. I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused to you and I hope that you will take the time to post your comment again. Sorry for the trouble, and thanks for bearing with me.

win win win!

After the success of the last contest, it is contest time on the blog once again!

This time the prize is more than the last time, and there is a prize even for those who don’t use Entrecard. You can either enter the contest to win 6000 Entrecard credits or, if you don’t use Entrecard, you could enter the contest to win an 125 X 125 ad space on this blog for three months.  Even if you use Entrecard but would rather win the ad space, you can do that. The 125 X 125 ad will be placed where the money magnet is placed at present.

The Rules :

  • You have to subscribe to the RSS feed of the blog via email.
  • Then, you have to leave a comment on this post stating whether you are entering the contest for the 6,000 EC or the ad space. You can enter only for one of the two.
  • Those who are already subscribed to the RSS feed are not eligible for the contest. Sorry, you guys!
  • The contest closes midnight (Indian Standard Time) 31st July, 2008.
  • The winners will be announced on 1st August, 2008.
  • The winner will have to provide his own 125 X 125 ad, which would be subject to approval before  it is put up on the site.

That is all.

You don’t have to write a post about this contest, but I would really appreciate it if you did. It would be good to see this contest get as much publicity as possible. Best of luck to all those who decide to participate.

P.S. – This contest will have at least two winners. But, if any of you would like to sponsor any prizes for the contest, we could end up having more winners!

Digital Romance – Prologue

(This year I started the NaNoWriMo, but never got beyond a few thousand words. But, I liked the idea that had fromed in my head regarding the theme of the novel. So, I have decided to take up that story again and write it on my blog. I will post a passage of about 500 words on my blog at least once a week.)

Times keep changing and when times change, so do things. But there are some things that don’t change with times. Human emotions like happiness, sadness, tears, joy …and love are some of the things that have withstood the tides of time. Over the ages boys have fallen in love with girls, and girls have fallen in love with boys in an almost similar fashion. Circumstances, in one form or the other, have tried to prevent lovers from attaining their desired end; sometimes it is the lovers that beat all odds to unite in an eternal bond, and at other times the circumstances create a chasm that the lovers are not able to bridge in spite of their best efforts.

The story that follows is one such story of two people, and their journey on the path of love. They face many roadblocks, stumble, and yet they keep walking on this path, the end of which they have no control over.

A Conspiracy

It looks like time, work and the month of November are conspiring to prevent me from getting to my target of 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo this year.

What is worse is that the conspiracy seems to be working. It is day 13 and my word count stands at a dismal 3,300. I really hope that all of you out there are doing better than that. Actually, I hope you are doing much better than that.

But, I also think all is not lost for me either. There are 17 days to go and about 46,700 more words to write. That means I have to write about 2, 750 words every day from today till the 30th, and my task will be done.

NaNoWriMo (Day 5)

It is the end of day 5 of NaNoWriMo, and I have hardly crossed the 1667 words deadline. So, I have fallen behind by four days. Bad, but not a lost cause yet.

I have been checking up on the NaNoWriMo site frequently and this year it seems to me that the site is a bit slower than last year. Maybe it is because of a larger number of people signing up for NaNo this year. But, one thing that I am really surprised by is that the word count API is still not working and neither are the word count widgets. Last year, I remember it was fun to see those widgets on people’s site, and know how they were doing with their novels.

The announcement on the front page of NaNo says that they are going to start working on them as soon as possible. I hope that they get the widgets to work real soon as 5 days of NaNo have already gone, and only 25 days of fun remain.

How are you doing with NaNo this year?

(P.S. – If you are here for the Robbery story, check back soon as I will be uploading the next part of the series very soon) 

NaNoWriMo (Day 3)

Day 3 of NaNoWriMo is upon us and I have not written a single word  yet. Definitely not a good sign, and if something isn’t done about it soon, I think NaNoWriMo 2007 will be a lost cause for me already. But hopefully, things change today, as I am going to try and catch up with the almost 5000 words that I should have written had I followed the 1667 words per day regime.

For now, the only thing I have decided is that I am going to be writing a novella in the Romance genre, and it will be called “Digital Romance”.

How is it going for you?

P.S. This year I could not find the word count button that you can put on your site or blog. Anyone know what is up with that?

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