Writing, Among Other Things

Category: Writing (Page 9 of 19)

What is Your Profession?

300 is a nice movie. Admittedly, the movie is mostly blood, gore, screams and half naked men with great abs, yet it is a great movie. The quality of the movie, however, is not what this post is about. This post is about something I realised as I was watching the movie.

In one scene, King Leonidas, and his 300 men, meet a group of Arcadians, led by Daxos. Daxos is dismayed at seeing only 300 men, and he tells Leonidas that he was expecting the number of Spartans to be at least as much as the Arcadians. At that Leonidas asks three Arcadians what their profession was, and the answers he gets are potter, sculptor, and blacksmith respectively.

Spartans, of course, were soldiers by profession, each and every one of them. That was exactly what made Spartans a formidable fighting force.

The lesson to be learnt here is simple.

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It Was Never So Easy to Be a Writer!

WrietrI use the word writer in the title to signify someone who writes, and then gets read by a substantial number of readers. One might look at some of the bigger names in the field, and assume that writing is a short cut to name, fame and money. Many believe in this fallacy, take the plunge, and realise later – often, when it’s too late – that they have made a mistake.

There is, however, good news. If you want to be a writer, things have never been as easy as they are today. When I was a kid, I remember reading a book about writing. It listed out a set of things that were a prerequisite before one could set out on the journey of becoming a writer. Some of these things were:

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In 2010, I will…

Image: ba1969 from sxc.hu

Image: ba1969 from sxc.hu

The beginning of a new year is a good opportunity to take stock of what happened in the year gone by, and to plan for the year that is yet to come. Actually, any time of the year is a good time to introspect, learn from the past, and move on. But, we humans – being creatures of habit – need different rituals, goals, ceremonies, targets, etc. to keep us going. As the great Voltaire, once said:

If there were no God, it would have been necessary to invent him.

The New Year’s eve is just such a ritual, where we get a chance to forget our mistakes of the previous year, and also get an opportunity to either do things in a  better way, or at least make a new set of mistakes in the days to come. Resolutions, I feel,  are the best way to do that.

I am sure all of you have made some resolutions for 2010. If you haven’t then I suggest you make one now. There is still time, and you won’t regret making one.

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The Best Cure for Writer’s Block!

onecureMost of us believe in the Writing Block, just as we believe in the Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy. I have always believed that writing block is nothing but the writer getting lazy. It can’t, however, be denied that most of us, at one point of time or another, go through phases where writing anything becomes difficult – almost impossible.

There are many ways to set yourself free if you get stuck with the Writer’s block, and in the age of the World Wide Web most of these solutions are just a mouse-click away. Many of these solutions are individual specific, and might work for some while being completely ineffective for others.

There is, however, one solution that I feel can work for almost everyone.

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Are You a Born Writer?

1235996_pencil-pusherIt is often said that writing is a combination of talent and hard work. Some say it is talent that is more important, while others say it is the hard work that pays. Without going into this unending debate, I will let you answer this question for yourself, “What do you think is more important : talent, or hard work?”

Being talented in very simple terms means that you were born to write. You have the gift of the muse, and whatever you might do for a living, you simply have to write something every now and then. To some extent, all of us have that gift, or at least most of us. This is the most probable reason why blogging has become so popular today.

If you, however, hope to write regularly – for your blog or professionally – I sincerely doubt that just being talented will serve you.And, If you still believe that you are a born writer, you need not read any further.

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