1337586_sunriseMost people I know have a difficult time getting up early in the morning. Getting up early becomes especially difficult in the winters, when the warmth of the bed is too alluring to be left behind.

As a child getting up early was a necessity, as school for most people started at 8, and one could not afford to miss school. But as one grew up the necessity to get up early in the morning vanished, and so did the habit of getting up early. The famous adage, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” was left behind at school as well.

About ten days go, however, I decided to change that. I decided to start waking up early in the morning again. Though I am sure I have not chosen the best time to do that, because winters have arrived here, and it is dark outside till around 7 AM. But, anyway, I have decided to have a go at it, and here are the five things I am doing to help me get there:

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