FRWESBAs a blogger, you are sure to come across people who will ask, “Hey, why do you even blog?

A lucky few can answer the question with, “I do it for money”. A majority of others have to make do with,” I blog because I like to.”

I am sure you like to blog; I am sure because I do too. But, in addition to that, there are some practical reasons why a person should blog. Here I am going to list four of them:

1. To improve your communication skills: To communicate is a human being’s most basic need. Whether it is happiness, or joy, or just a general state of  ennui, it has to be shared. Writing is an important means of sharing, and one that you have to resort to often – both in your personal as well as official life. I have seen many people who can accomplish the most difficult tasks in a jiffy, but they break a heavy sweat when they have to write something.

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